Board of Directors
The R Street Sacramento Partnership (RSSP) is private, non-profit organization that was established in 2012 to improve the R and S Street Corridors. The RSSP manages the R Street Property and Business Improvement District (PBID) that funds a improvement activities and programs within in its boundaries including: graffiti removal, litter pick-up, pressure washing, marketing, advocacy, and security services. The Partnership represents the property owners, residents, and businesses within the RSSP boundaries.
The RSSP currently has 12 Board Members that are comprised of commercial property owners, residents, business owners and public institutions. The Board of Directors meets on the last Thursday of every other month at the offices of Fox & Goose Public House, 1001 R Street unless otherwise posted. For more detailed information on dates and locations of meetings, visit the Meetings and Agendas page. All Board and Committee meetings are open to the general public. Please contact RSSP’s staff at for more information.
Board Officers
Immediate Past Chair: Allyson Dalton
Chair: Todd Leon
Vice Chair: Jim Cordano
Secretary: Ryan Harden
Treasurer: Simon DeVere White
Board of Directors
Jim Cordano
President, Cordano Company
Secretary/Co-Chair – Advocacy Committee
Allyson Dalton
W.P. Fuller Building
Immediate Past Chair
Michael Jasso
Assistant City Manager, City of Sacramento
Simon de Vere White
Co-Owner, The Snug
Ryan Harden
Co-Owner, Camellia Coffee Roasters
Michael Heller
President, Heller Pacific
At-Large Board Member – Executive Committee
Steve Johns
Government Affairs Director, SMUD
Co-Chair – Advocacy Committee
Todd Leon
Development Manager, Capital Area Development Authority (CADA)
Vice President/Chair – Clean & Safe Committee
Bay Miry
President, Miry Development
Devra Selenis
Sacramento Regional Transit
Spencer Nielsen
Cushman & Wakefield
Chair – Events & Promotions Committee
Shahriar Nejad
CFY Development
Contact Us
R Street Partnership
520 Capitol Mall, Suite 280
Sacramento, CA 95814
Michelle Smira, R Street Sacramento Partnership Administrator
Michael Beller, R Street Sacramento Partnership Staff